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Open QuickAdd from your Desktop

UPDATE: A more reliable method is to use the Global Hotkeys plugin for Obsidian.

This is an AutoHotkey script which unminimizes/focuses Obsidian and sends some keypresses to it.

I've bound this to my QuickAdd activation hotkey, so this script automatically brings Obsidian to the front of my screen with QuickAdd open.

#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx

WinActivate, i) Obsidian
ControlSend,, {CtrlDown}{AltDown}{ShiftDown}G{CtrlUp}{CtrlUp}{ShiftUp}, i)Obsidian

I'm using CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+G as my shortcut, both in Obsidian and for the AHK script to activate. I use a keyboard shortcut to send those keys (lol, I know - but it's to avoid potential conflicts). Here's a guide to what the !^+ mean, and how you can customize it:


If you are willing to install the Obsidian Advanced URI plugin, this script is much easier for you to use.

SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx

WinActivate, i) Obsidian

Run "obsidian://advanced-uri?vault=<YOUR_VAULT_NAME>&commandname=QuickAdd: Run QuickAdd"

Simply replace <YOUR_VAULT_NAME> with the name of your vault.

This version is more reliable, as the other one can fail to activate occasionally.

It uses the same hotkey to activate as above (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+G). If you wish to change it:

  • ! means Alt
  • ^ means Ctrl
  • + means Shift

So, you can replace the !^+g with any hotkey of your choosing.

About MacOS

based on Advanced URI, It is recommended that you use Create Quicklink in raycast.